Saturday, August 10, 2013

Day 7 - Sweet Jesus This is Good!

185.6 - down 2 more pounds! Woo Hoo! Yippee!

It's the morning of day 7. After the boys bounded in at 6:30 (UGH) I laid in bed for the next fifteen minutes hoping and praying the scale would reflect all of my hard work. I actually tried visualizing the scale saying 185. In my mind that number would mean success. Sure enough, it said 185.6. Yesterday I ran 2.5 miles on the treadmill and tried to be very careful about how much juice I drank and how much of my delicious gazpacho I consumed. My run felt great and really cleared my head. A song by Pink came on that really hit me as ironic. It's called "Like a Pill".
The lyrics go:
I can't stay on your life support,
There's a shortage in the switch,
I can't stay on your morphine,
'Cause it's making me itch...

Run just as fast as I can
To the middle of nowhere
To the middle of my frustrated fears
And I swear you're just like a pill
Instead of makin' me better,
You keep makin' me ill

Guess what? The food that I had been eating was the "pill" and instead of nourishing my body, it actually made me sick. The food was my "life support" that was actually killing me one meal at a time, leading me down the path to diabetes (check), high blood pressure, heart disease, etc. My body was actually starving for the good stuff - never actually satisfied or satiated by what I was feeding it.

Question for all of you - If you don't take care of your body, where will you live? Chew on that for a moment!

Recipe of the Day: I'm calling it "Sweet Jesus" because when I tasted it for the first time I exclaimed, "Oh Sweet Jesus, this is good!"

Sweet Jesus
1 sweet potato (didn't peal it or anything, just stuck it in the juicer whole!)
1 apple
2 peaches
A handful of blueberries
A dash of cinnamon
It's soooooo good! Be careful though - since this one has no green veggies, it is probably a bit higher in natural sugars. Can only have this one once in awhile.

Tomorrow will be 1 week down. Amazing! I have lost 7 pounds in 7 days. Tonight is my birthday dinner though and I am going to eat. I'm not going to pig out like the old Devon would. I'm not going to order soda or alcohol - or birthday cake for that matter. No matter what the scale says tomorrow, I will greet the day with another glass of yummy, nutritious juice.

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