Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Day 10 - Doctor Says Green Light!

Got some great news from my diabetes doctor today. He said my blood sugars are down and he 100% approves of my juicing plans. That's awesome folks. Yesterday was my birthday and I have to admit that I did eat lunch and dinner to celebrate, however today I have renewed my commitment to eat/drink nothing but my homemade veggie/fruit juices for the next 60 days. I am on my way out the door to go running since Grandma and Pop Pop took the boys to the fair!

This is one month's worth of needles from my insulin shots. Not fun at all. I am hoping in 60 days to be off insulin entirely.
New Recipe!
Morning Glory - the best yet!
5 big handfuls of spinach
1 peach
1 pear
3 handfuls of blueberries
3 handfuls of strawberries
2 pieces of pineapple
NO apples in this one.


  1. OK, gotta say I'm hugely relieved to have the doc's approval on your plan. I was worried that it was too radical & maybe not healthy - but I'm soooo happy to have worried for nothing! That's a-frickin-mazing about your blood sugar. WOW. I am just utterly amazed & impressed with your strength & willpower & positive changes. You are amazing.

  2. Thank you for worrying about me. You are a great friend! If I feel this good, it can't be wrong. Ya know? Thanks for the encouragement. :)
