Thursday, August 8, 2013

Day 5

187.2 - only lost about a half pound. Think I need to stop weighing myself every day. Started the morning by making a new breakfast drink I am calling Going Bananas. Hubby and I both drank it and then went for a 20 minute walk. Felt good but a bit sluggish.

Dilemma! My birthday dinner which has been scheduled for months (also hubby's mother and aunt's birthday dinners) is on Saturday night. We have reservations at an upscale Indian restaurant. To eat or not to eat, that is the question. Many of my closest friends have weighed in about my dilemma and even my therapist (yes, I recently added a therapist to help with my food addiction). The consensus has been that I should eat but not go crazy, and then go back to juicing the next day. I know that my stomach will hurt for sure, but I can almost taste that chicken tika masala! My favorite. Is that being weak? Is that giving in to my old way of living? Or, is that being practical and affording myself a little grace? The point here is to be successful and not feel like I am denying myself, because let's face it folks, I am a food addict. It would be very awkward to sit at the table with 7 people celebrating birthdays and drink my juice. See, I am human! Flawed, fabulous, and days away from 41!


Going Bananas

Lots of spinach (and I'm talking like a whole bag)

About 20 straberries

About 30 blueberries

2 apples

2 peaches

After I juiced that, I threw it all into the blender with 1 banana. Yum!

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