Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 8 - Flawed, Fabulous, and 41

It's been a little over one week on my juicing journey and I am feeling great. I lost 7 pounds this week and even though one or two came back, overall I lost a total of 4 inches - one from my thighs, one off my bodacious tatas, one off the "no longer expanding" waist, and one off the ole hips. I am feeling fabulous. I spent the day at Mount Vernon with my husband's aunt. Boy, what an amazing place!

Tonight my boys wanted to go out for a birthday dinner to celebrate with mommy. I agreed and we went to Ruby Tuesday's. I ordered the chicken fresca which has the least amount of calories on the menu. I asked for steamed green beans, too. I was doing great until the waitress, a former student of mine, brought over dessert. She had written Happy Birthday in chocolate just for me, her favorite teacher EVER. I let the boys eat most of it.

It was a long day, but a good one. Here is a picture of me taken by my 5 year old. I look tired and my makeup was worn off, but I'm happy.

So tomorrow I am back on the juice and I plan to drink nothing but juice until Labor Day. Plus, I plan to really up the exercise. Wish me luck.

Here are some pictures of my groceries and my mason jars. They are great for storing the juice!


  1. You're looking great, Devon. Happy birthday to you! You've given yourself the best gift of all - a new perspective, mindful to your health & well-being. I'm so proud of you!

    1. Thanks, Amy! I am feeling great. Can't wait to try some of the juice you bought me!

  2. You look amazing, and you did great at RT staying away from temptation! I haven't been to Mount Vernon since our 8th grade trip. I found pics from that recently at my parents - but I promise not to post any on FB, bahaha! Let's just the say the mid-80s were not kind to anyone!

    1. Thanks, Angela. I'm giving it my best effort. Do not want to fail this time. :)
